Course Group Auto Enrollment

Welcome to the auto enrollment form.

Please use this form to auto enroll into an existing group or course.

  • If you don’t have a user account, you can create by using this form.
  • If you already have a user account, you need to log in before enrolling.
  • Please, don’t use all capital letters for your name. Use Example: “John Doe”
  • Write your full name, as it will appear into the certificates.
  • If you are enrolling in the official ISA certificate training course, your personal ID must match exactly with your personal contact information in your profile. If not, you won’t be allowed to do the certificate test on the day of the exam. You will be required to show your personal ID. (Required by ISA).
  • Make sure to complete your profile, after your enrollment. Your full contact information is needed. Full name and address as we need to identify the user who will be receiving the certificate.
  • You need a “group code” or “license code” to enroll.

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