‎Version of this course‎: 4.2
You will be able to:
- Specify the requirements for an enterprise/control integration solution
- Identify the issues involved in the integration of logistics to manufacturing control
- Identify the business processes that need information from manufacturing systems
- Identify the manufacturing control processes that need information from business systems
- Explain the business drivers involved in integration
- Identify the detailed information associated with enterprise/control integration
- Discuss the roles of UML, XML, and B2MML in vertical integration
- Apply the ISA95Â object models
You will cover:
- Standards and Models: ANSI/ISA95 Standards | MESA International Model | WBF B2MML XML Schemas
- Business Processes: Procurement | Product Cost Accounting | Product Inventory Control | Maintenance | Production Planning and Scheduling
- Production Processes: Detailed Production Scheduling | Production Tracking | Production Resource Management | Product Defination Management
- Information Model: Production Resources | Process Segments | Product Definition and Capability | Production Schedules | Production Performance
Classroom/Laboratory Exercises:
- Identify key business drivers for integration
- Identify key business processes and objects
- Identify process segment definitions
- Develop shared product definition information
Includes ISA Standards:
- ANSI/ISA95.00.01-2000 –Â Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 1: Models and TerminologyÂ
- ANSI/ISA95.00.02-2001 –Â Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 2: Object Model AttributesÂ
- ANSI/ISA95.00.03-2005 –Â Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations ManagementÂ
- World Batch Forum B2MML Schema Documentation (www.wbf.org)
- ANSI/ISA-95.00.04-2012 – Enterprise-Control System Integration − Part 4: Objects and attributes intergration
- ANSI/ISA-95.00.04-2012 – Enterprise-Control System Integration − Part 5: Business-to-Manufacturing Transactions
- ANSI/ISA–95.00.06–2014 – Enterprise-Control System Integration – Part 6: Messaging Service Model
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