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EN50: Industrial cybersecurity management for projects in the energy, oil, and gas sector. (ID#54164)

WiseCourses Campus Virtual e-Learning Platform, Miami

Learn a proven and fundamentally practical methodology for managing cybersecurity in industrial systems without the need to be cybersecurity experts. One of the worst threats to an organization's success is that everyone involved has a different idea of what needs to be done and how best to achieve it. The WBS (Work breakdown Structure) methodology provides a practical approach to successfully implement management while meeting all the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards, harmonizing with popular regulations without getting lost. Understand all the necessary activities to be carried out with the minimum necessary inputs and outputs to be produced as a result. Assess risks and make the right decisions. Influence the design of industrial systems and the plant, so that all risks are mitigated with minimal resources. Minimize the risks of poor implementation. Comply with and certify the activities as they are carried out. Keep all participants, users, and vendors on the same page and avoid frustration. Produce the necessary evidence ready to submit to a certificate authority.

$750.00 – $1,000.00

IC32: Empleando el Estándar ISA/IEC-62443 para Proteger a los Sistemas de Control, español (ID#54173)

WiseCourses Campus Virtual e-Learning Platform, Miami

Conozca los fundamentos de la serie de normas internacionales ISA/IEC-62443 desarrolladas por consenso de la industrial global. Aprenda a interpretar las normas correctamente para poder realizar una correcta implementación y obtener el máximo beneficio. Incorpore conceptos, modelos, requerimientos, y todo lo necesario para facilitar su comprensión. Evite desviaciones y errores típicos.

$1,640.00 – $2,000.00